
星球大战》( Star Wars)粉丝电影设想了一个著名的特许经营怪物的起源故事。自从1977年首次向观众介绍银河系以来,“星球大战”地产就成为有史以来最具影响力的星系之一。毋庸置疑,沉浸在乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)的世界中后,几位有抱负的电影制片人受到启发去拿起相机。这不仅使好莱坞导演有幸通过迪士尼的新电影和即将上映的电视节目增加了该系列影片的票房。从JJ Abrams到热情的业余导演,每个人都被《星球大战》的魔力所感动。

星球大战(Star Wars)粉丝电影已经存在了数十年,使人们有机会创造自己的叙事并进行新的冒险。卢卡斯影业(Lucasfilm)完全拥护影迷电影,甚至为他们举办颁奖典礼,以表彰每一部电影中令人印象深刻的创造力。人们当然喜欢将它们签出,并且最新出现的场景之一当然值得一看。


由YouTube频道Escape Velocity Content发布,这是一部20分钟的粉丝电影,题为“怪物的诞生:星球大战的故事”(显然是从迪斯尼的电影选集中获得线索的)。它由蒂姆·马丁(Tim Martin)执导,饰演马丁的儿子赞德(Zander),是一个由他忠实的机器人伴侣0-TK(星际大战叛军的史蒂夫·布鲁姆(Steve Blum)发声)亲切地称为“小爵士”的小男孩。在寻找塔图因沙漠以寻找大老板(琳达·迈克尔斯)的材料时,两人发现了一个将极大影响他们生活的发现。在下面的空间中查看胶片:

Viewers have to wait until the movie's final moments to understand the meaning of the title. In the last scene, the protagonist is visited by none other than Bib Fortuna, appearing at the behest of Jabba the Hutt. When they enter the cave, the rancor appears, causing Fortuna's eyes to light up. It becomes readily apparent "Little Sir" is meant to be Return of the Jedi's rancor trainer as a child. The twist plays into classic Star Wars themes and tropes. By chance, an orphan living on a desert planet came across something that ended up benefitting his life. "Little Sir" was able to rise out of poverty by accepting Jabba's offer of wealth and shelter and lived in the Hutt's palace for years. It also adds some emotional resonance to the famous scene from Jedi, where the trainer is weeping after the rancor's death. The monster was his friend for a very long time.

当然,这不是官方的《星球大战》佳作,但是由于迪斯尼即将发布的任何资料中都不会涵盖rancor的起源,因此许多粉丝可能会选择想象这是发生了什么。怪物的诞生是一个关于毅力和克服逆境的甜蜜动人的故事,其生产价值非凡。所有的道具,服装和布景/位置看起来都像是从《星球大战》电影中拍摄的一样,使观看时更加有趣。《 星球大战》粉丝电影的景观有很多条目,但这绝对是一个观众应该花些时间看的东西。

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