
星球大战(Star Wars)迷为12月的《最后的绝地The Last Jedi)》制作了精美的戏剧海报 。卢卡斯影业(Lucasfilm)一直将其官方营销活动的特点一直保持在这一点上,但预计不久的将来将会改变。该工作室似乎正在复制他们用于《原力觉醒》的促销剧本,这意味着十月份将看到大量新材料,包括新预告片。广告投放热度较高时,还应包括另一张海报,并且观众已经看过Lucasfilm正在考虑的两种可能的单页概念。


海报由Reddit用户shine_o发布,充分利用了最近泄露的演员促销图片和今年春季的Vanity Fair宣传片中的照片,包括几个主要角色。它还从D23角色海报中借鉴了部分美学,其中D23角色海报以红色为主。您可以在下面的空间中查看风扇制作的作品:

Part of what makes this artwork so great is that it could easily be the official Last Jedi theatrical poster, as the imagery hints at the larger themes that will run through the film. Rey, of course, is front and center, looking determined as she starts her training. The look of Kylo Ren unmasked clutching his helmet is quite poetic, since the villain will be on a personal mission to prove himself, perhaps becoming his own man (and not just a Vader wannabe). The likes of Leia, Poe Dameron, Finn, and Rose Tico are grouped together, illustrating the Resistance's continuing fight against the First Order. And Luke Skywalker looms large over everyone; his true nature a mystery as he appears ominous with his hood up and arms spread out. Lucasfilm's alleged "antagonist version" of the real Episode VIII poster included the old Jedi, so Rian Johnson could have some tricks up his sleeve.

