
在“第一眼”季节结婚的 8对夫妇,例如Keith Dewar和Kristine Killingsworth以及AJ Vollmoeller和Stephanie Sersen即将开始婚姻生活。演出结束后,经过8周婚姻的夫妇将详细介绍新婚生活。

在First Sight结婚-这是夫妻第一次见面时结婚的节目-第9季刚刚结束了9月11日播出的“决定日”插曲,只有一半的夫妻选择在他们俩见面后一起住8周的试婚。表演本身并没有最好的记录,在29对夫妇中只有8对仍在结婚(包括最近的一个季节),但是这意味着由于Lifetime,全球仍然有8对成功的夫妇。考虑到他们已经结婚并在电视上度过了婚姻的头两个月,因此,参加演出的夫妇通常愿意在演出结束后谈论他们的婚姻,例如Dewar和Killingsworth以及Vollmoeller和塞尔森


While Dewar and Killingsworth struggled to meld their finances together, Vollmoeller and Sersen struggled in other areas, like learning about the other person's pet peeves. Vollmoeller and Sersen both consider themselves to be "very independent" and they both have "strong opinions on a lot of things," so they're still learning how to interact with each other as a married couple. Vollmoeller added that the couple has learned "how and when are the appropriate times and ways to deal with conflict," which has helped them a lot. While their fellow newlyweds struggled to move in together, Vollmoeller and Sersen said that was the easiest part for them, because "(they) both have the same living styles, like cleanliness, sleeping habits and respect of space." Sersen said the favorite part of her marriage is still "going to bed and waking up” with Vollmoeller every day, while Vollmoeller said that Sersen laughs at all his dad jokes which "makes (him) love her a little more each time she does."

这对新婚夫妇在结婚的第一年似乎都变得很强壮,这对他们和表演都预示着好兆头。尽管 在“第一眼结婚”中有多个季节没有结成成功的夫妻,但第8季中有一半夫妻在一起,第9季中有2人选择继续婚姻。如果他们能够在电视节目中以及接下来的第二年与一个陌生人度过8周的婚姻,那么看来这些夫妇在他们之前已经有了一段漫长而幸福的婚姻。
