马克·哈米尔(Mark Hamill)说他从未遇到过星球大战妈妈娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)
马克·哈米尔(Mark Hamill)说他从未遇到过星球大战妈妈娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)

尽管前传从未像原始和当前的《星球大战》三部曲那样获得过同样的文化知名度,但卢卡斯经常受到伤害的电影现在又重新成为人们关注的焦点,因为卢卡斯电影公司将注意力转向讲述以前被归类为《星球大战》等电视节目的未开发故事:克隆人战争和星球大战:叛军。虽然《独奏:星球大战故事》的收视率远未达到评论家和观众的最佳状态,但罗恩·霍华德的电影以及可能由奥比·旺·基诺比主演的电影仍在吸引着观众对过去的关注,包括重要的已故人物,例如波特曼的Padme Amidala。

哈米尔昨天去推特上回应了庆祝波特曼37岁生日的《星球大战》推文,透露他从来没有机会见过她。这个消息使歌迷们开了很多玩笑,其中许多人在推特上回复了他:“当然不是,她死于生你。”帕德梅·阿米达拉(Padme Amidala)亲眼目睹了丈夫阿纳金·天行者(Anakin Skywalker)跌倒在黑暗中而死。在临终前,她给自己的孩子卢克(Luke)和莉亚(Leia)命名,然后将他们传给养父母,为他们最终的《星球大战》命运做准备。


Despite the lack of commercial success for Solo: A Star Wars Story, the rumored upcoming Kenobi movie will continue to dig into the past of the franchise, should it be made. The success of television properties like Star Wars: Rebels has offered a wealth of storytelling options for writers to mine as they try and tell the stories prior to the original trilogy. With multiple new movies coming out, Lucasfilm and Star Wars might be returning to its past sooner then fans suspect. A movie featuring Padme Amidala's ascension to the throne could be another Star Wars story for the studio to consider, should Portman be open to it. Maybe that would be enough to finally get Hamill and Portman in the same room at the same time.