
随着Netflix 取消了大部分Marvel提名,我们预计“惩罚者”将在何时被取消。惩罚者最初并不是Marvel TV和Netflix之间交易的一部分,最终导致流媒体服务创建了自己在Marvel Cinematic Universe中的一角。Netflix于2015年与Daredevil一起在纽约推出了Marvel节目,并扩大到包括个人系列杰西卡·琼斯(Jessica Jones),卢克·凯奇(Luke Cage)和铁拳(Iron Fist)-四个英雄随后联手捍卫者(The Defenders)。惩罚者是从《夜魔侠》第2季派生出来的,当时弗兰克·卡斯尔(琼·伯恩塔尔)被介绍为这位名义英雄的对抗者。

但是,自从《捍卫者》以来,Netflix的Marvel领域似乎并没有太大的发展方向.2018年,流媒体服务发布了其四场原创节目中每一个的新季-这是一年来发行的最多的。 Netflix的MCU角点在2018年达到了一个重大转折,流媒体服务决定取消其大部分Marvel平板。捍卫者被悄悄中止,铁拳被取消;一周后,Netflix裁掉了卢克·凯奇(Luke Cage)。然后,在发布第三季后不久,Netflix取消了Daredevil。从那时起,问题就不再是Netflix是否会取消The Punisher和Jessica Jones,而是流媒体公司要取消多长时间。

随着最近发布的《惩罚者》第2季,粉丝们正在为看似不可避免的取消做准备-但是,这一消息何时会到来?根据过去的Netflix漫威节目的取消(The Defenders除外,因为从未正式取消),流媒体服务需要在最新一季发布后一个多月才能做出决定。 《铁拳》第2季于9月7日首次亮相,并于10月12日取消; 《决死魔》第3季于10月19日首次亮相,并于11月29日被取消。离群因素是卢克·凯奇(Luke Cage),其第二季于6月22日亮相,并于10月19日被取消。这些日期加在一起,表明惩罚者可能会被取消2月底或最晚3月初。

Of course, this estimate is predicated on the idea that Netflix is essentially cleaning house of its Marvel shows. While that seems to be the case of the series created under their original deal with Marvel, since The Punisher is a spinoff, it may be a little different. Perhaps because of that, The Punisher has more chances of being renewed rather than cancelled. But more likely, it has nothing to do with the original deal and more to do with the way Netflix's content strategy has changed. When Marvel and Netflix struck that deal, Netflix was looking for buzzworthy original content that would draw in subscribers, no matter the cost. Now, we've seen Netflix tighten their belts a little, cutting their expensive shows that don't draw enough viewers to justify those high production costs. Although the Marvel shows aren't as expensive as a Marvel Studios movie, they're likely much more expensive to produce than Netflix's other originals.



《惩罚者》第 1季和第2季可以在Netflix上播放。