
孩之宝(Hasbro)在其《变形金刚》(Transformers)系列中展示了最新作品三位强大的汽车人女性战士,Elita-1,Novastar和Moonracer。女主人公将扮演《 Prime故事集》的多媒体力量,这是从《 Combiner Wars》和《 Titans Return》开始的《 Generations Prime Wars》三部曲的结尾。

这三个角色非常适合面向粉丝的Generations系列,其词根起源于《变形金刚》神话的开始。 Elita-1在第一代第1集“寻找Alpha Trion”中首次出现在Cyber​​tron上,是​​Autobot抵抗细胞的领导者,Novastar和Moonracer是她的两名中尉。这是女性变形金刚第一次出现在专营权中,瞥见了塞伯坦战争未开发的角落。


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The trio of female Autobots look to play a role in the upcoming Power of the Primes animated series from Machinima, which will feature the voice talents of Ron Perlman and Mark Hamill as Optimus Primal and Megatronus, respectively. They've already been playing significant roles in IDW's much beloved Generation 1 comics. In that iteration, each comes from a different Cybertronian colony; Novastar from the spiritual and artistic Camiens, Moonracer from the high-strung, speed obsessed Velocitrons, and Elita-1 from the nomadic Carcerians. Each plays a different angle in the unfolding control for post-war Cybertron, which has largely been ruled by the politically deft Starscream while Optimus Prime has been trying to usher Earth into a more prominent place on the intergalactic stage.

不仅将女性变形金刚整合到特许经营的神话中,而且将玩具变形金刚整合到产品系列中也很容易,因为尽管该系列一直缺乏年轻女性,但它在年轻女孩中一直很受欢迎-第一代的Arcee和Beast Wars的Blackarachnia是唯一的小说和玩具的主要参与者。车迷们肯定会对另一个女性汽车人大队感到兴奋-但现在可能是一些女性霸天虎将事情弄平的时候了。
