
如果说英雄只有他的坏蛋,那么詹姆斯·邦德确实就是英雄。超过50年的历史和24部官方电影分期,Agent 007面对着一系列令人印象深刻的残酷杀手,扭曲的大亨和精明的疯子。


也就是说,并非所有坏人都是平等的,在球迷眼中,邦德的某些敌人对敌人的评价高于其他敌人。就像我们超级间谍的商标鸡尾酒之一一样,为 詹姆斯·邦德系列产品 增光添彩的最佳反派人物具有几种关键成分。

首先,一个伟大的邦德对立者需要一个宏大而曲折的方案-尽管这些方案有时可能会出错,但绝对 毫无 道理。其次,他们需要某种distinctive头,无论它是与众不同的小工具,还是令人难忘的体育技能或疾病。最后,它们必须具有某种风格感。

牢记这三个标准,并仅将自己限制在主要恶棍中,以使事情易于管理-因此,没有像颚或Oddjob这样的he佬,对不起-我们列出了“ 从最坏到最好”中的“ 每个邦德小人”。


古斯塔夫·格雷夫斯(Gustav Graves)以朝鲜军队上校谭日月的身份开始生活。后来他接受了激进的基因疗法,以高加索人的形象出现,并计划使用太阳能超级激光来带动北方对韩国的入侵。


真的?),以及似乎注定要以灾难告终的计划(至少有可能导致朝鲜走向“ kablooey”)。

当时有 很多 的原因,评论家和球迷都回应负 谁与争锋 -你好,看不见的车!–这个坏家伙的破旧借口就是其中之一。


怀特先生实质上是 詹姆斯·邦德 神话中终极的中层管理者,几乎没有资格被列入这份名单。的确,他只能凭借在 皇家赌场(Lee Royale)中 担任勒奇弗尔(Lo Chiffre)的老板来 晋级, 因为通常证明他在007方面颇有刺耳。


在随后的《 Quantum O f Solace and Spectre 》中 出场时,他获得了一些不错的台词,并且有更多的深度 - 后者将他视为反英雄人物-但坦率地说,他毫无pan漏或头时间太短,无法在真正的超级反击打手榜上真正切入。


多米尼克·格林(Dominic Greene)试图提出一个“现实的”邦德小人,但最终却遇到了冷漠。

在与阴沉的保持,停飞音 量子 Ø ˚F安慰 ,格林令人失望的没有提供噱头可言-意味着对现实世界的坏人隐藏在众目睽睽的能力的评论。他最近来的是一次笨拙的企图,以剥夺可恶的同伴Goldfinger,这是因为他的Agent Fields被浸透了石油而沉重(因为geddit是石油,这是新的黄金吗?)。

抛开设置此,这叶子格林少不止一个平均在寻找一个很好的西装法国人,虽然有 是 一定的风格到,这没有什么写信回家,无论是。

然后是他的邪恶计划,按照专营权的标准,这个计划比较明确。为了使Greene公司成为该国唯一(且价格高昂)的H 2 0供应商,这涉及控制玻利维亚的大部分供水。

没错:他甚至 都 没有偷玻利维亚的 全部 水!来吧,伙计–你是邦德小人,伸手摘星!


布拉德·惠特克(Brad Whitaker)只是勉强地将同名的诺斯尼克尼克·科斯科夫(Geskov)将军视为 “生存日光”中 的主要威胁, 他 因拥有一些漂亮的军事西洋镜而赢得了时尚声望-或至少是严肃的极客信誉。




在半个世纪的邦德电影中,只有一个反派角色拥有被会说话的鹦鹉挫败的可疑荣誉- 仅在您眼中 是亚里斯多德·克里斯塔托斯(Aristotle Kristatos)!





维克多·雷纳德(Victor Renard)与他的太太艾丽卡特·金(Elektra King)在 《世界还不够》中 享有严重的劣势(很可能会在以后发表更多),他很容易成为这份名单上最相关的人物。归根结底,这个可怜的家伙想要做的就是炸毁伊斯坦布尔,让女友开心(实际上, 以前没有 去过那儿吗?)。




尽管竞争激烈,但雨果·德拉克斯(Hugo Drax)还是在该名单上获得了“最详细的反派人物”奖项-认真地说,这家伙花了 很大的 恶心独白。

原本令人失望的 Moonraker 的几个亮点之一就是雄辩地听着Drax华夫饼干,即使他的“大师赛”风格的观点确实让人发狂!





詹姆斯·邦德 ( James Bond)的 专营权并非以其精妙而著称,但《 明日不死 》( Tomorrow Never Dies) 的艾略特·卡佛(Elliot Carver) 如此 清晰地仿照鲁珀特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch),电影制片人对此一无所知!


的确,为了扩大他在亚洲的媒体帝国,他策划英国和中国之间的冲突的阴谋并没有完全叠加(再次:这可能会引发第三次世界大战),但至少在某种程度上有( )逻辑。

他的原型史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的衣柜也让他显得有些松懈,尽管他在the头的前线明显不足。


在一个充满古怪,令人费解的计划的清单上,奥尔洛夫将军在同伴卡马尔·汗(Kamal Khan)亲王的协助下,仍然设法策划了其中最疯狂的一个。

作为 八爪鱼 的主要对手,奥尔洛夫试图欺骗西方大国进行全面核裁军(因为 这将 永远发生),为苏联入侵欧洲铺平了道路。



14 Elektra King

由难以置信的美丽索菲·玛索(Sophie Marceau)饰演,几乎总是穿着打扮来杀死(字面意思),埃莱克特拉·金(Elektra King)几天来一直在奔波。

这种风格感只会增加她的诱人魅力,Elektra在 《世界还不够》中 发挥了很好的效果,在那里她被证明是诉讼背后的 真正 策划者。证明她不仅是一张漂亮的脸蛋,她不仅设法篡夺了家庭石油业务的控制权,而且通过破坏竞争几乎垄断了市场。




简而言之, 爱我的间谍 卡尔·斯特伦伯格(Karl Stromberg)想要在海底建立一个王国。这真是太疯狂了,您几乎可以原谅他为杀害数百万人而为之做的准备。

为了实现这一目标,他努力点亮第三次世界大战的导火索,这是实际上 打算 这样做的少数人之一!–绝对不那么可爱。

就泛滥而言,斯特龙贝格(Stromberg)的外观颇有特色,大部分都摆在中间,摇摆着单色的军事装备。幸运的是,这位年长的绅士真正出类拔萃的是在新奇部门,他记录的不是一次,而是 两次 重大胜利。

就在前面,他有一种独特的身体不适:他的(坦率地说,是粗大的)蹼状手指。但是piècede resistance是他的诱人之处,就是为表现不佳或多余的员工提供宠物鲨鱼-是的,这个家伙真是个冰冷的经典坏蛋!


由于布洛费尔德(Blofeld)在《 来自 俄罗斯的恋爱》 ( From Russia With Love)中 的阴影下运作,因此留给他的下属Red Grant和Rosa Klebb担当“主要反派”的角色。


A merciless woman trying to make it man’s world, Colonel Klebb – also known as No. 3 – may not offer much in the way of style, but at least she’s not afraid to get her hands (or rather, her knife-tipped gimmick shoes) dirty.

In terms of a plan, Klebb tends to be better at riffing off the ideas of others than dreaming things up herself, showcasing a good, practical brain for logistics.

As an added bonus for fans of James Bond parody franchise Austin Powers , Klebb was one of the key sources of inspiration behind comically severe (and big-lunged) villainess Frau Farbissina.

11 Emilio Largo

With his white dinner jacket and eyepatch, Emilio Largo is every inch the classic Bond villain, at least as far as couture is concerned.

The Thunderball baddie further solidifies his status as a text book 007 foe when he hatches franchises first large-scale ransom scheme.

It’s fiendish in its simplicity – the cycloptic bum has hijacked a couple of nuclear warheads, and threatens to decimate either the US or UK if they don’t cough up the dough.

Then there’s Largo’s trademark use of sharks as a death trap – well before Karl Stromberg ever entertained the idea – which very nearly puts 007 out of business! In short: this guy has it all, and the only reason he doesn’t rank higher is that he’s proven so influential, he almost comes across as a cliché to modern audiences.

Indeed, given just how many classic Bond villain traits Largo possesses, it’s not hard to see why the team behind Austin Powers modelled the equally depth perception-impaired Number Two after him!

10 Max Zorin

A View To A Kill’s Max Zorin represents the “evil yuppie” stereotype – so popular in ‘80s cinema – taken to its logical extreme. Better still, Zorin is brought to life with the all the quirky charm of living treasure Christopher Walken, granting him a sense of poise all his own.

His plan – to cause an earthquake in California, handing him a monopoly over the microchip market – does feel a little derivative of Lex Luthor’s plan in Superman: The Movie. On the other hand, it’s hard to argue that Zorin’s vision is lacking in either scope or rationale.

With two out of three bases covered, it’s just a shame that Zorin drops the ball when it comes to a memorable calling card, although perhaps the filmmakers thought Walken’s involvement would be gimmick enough!

9 Dr. Kananga

Powerful drug baron Dr. Kananga – who also goes by “Mr. Big” – boasts easily the most memorable death in James Bond history. 007 has dispatched his enemies utilizing a variety of colorful methods over the years, but literally blowing someone up has to take the cake!

The good (or rather, not so good) doctor’s plot in Live And Let Die isn’t exactly complex, but it works on paper. He’s going to saturate the US with free heroin, financially ruining his fellow dealers and dramatically increasing the number of users hooked on his product, at which point he’ll jack up the price considerably.

Evaluating Kananga’s sense of style, it’s fair to say he’s a sharply dressed cat, however the more striking visual style belongs to his henchman - the voodoo-inspired Baron Samedi.

More encouragingly, he has a decent enough gimmick in the form of his alter ego, “Mr. Big”, which involves a latex mask and gangland wardrobe, helping him stand out from the villainous pack.

8 Franz Sanchez

On the face of it, Licence To Kill’s Franz Sanchez is little more than yet another drug lord, but look past his generic appearance, and you’ll find one of the most vicious villains on this list.

In fact, Sanchez can take credit for deploying that old Bond villain staple: the shark tank, for more than just weeding out the minor players. This despicable pusher is responsible for maiming Bond’s CIA ally and friend Felix Leiter – as well as murdering Leiter’s wife – after feeding them to one of the anti-social fishies.

In doing so, he makes things personal between himself and 007 – something only a few villains can lay claim to. He also shows a glimmer of flair, courtesy of the note he leaves attached to Leiter, which bears the awesome-terrible pun, “he disagreed with something that ate him.”

Lastly, Sanchez’s plan – to smuggle cocaine dissolved into petrol, providing the means for reintegrating the drug to the highest bidder – is kinda ingenious, although we’ll leave it to the scientists among you to determine just how feasible it really is!

7 Dr. Julius No

The baddie who started it all (in the film that shares his name), Dr. No laid the groundwork for the Bond villains would follow him.

First up, he’s a mad scientist with a nefarious scheme – and in this case, a plausible one, too. Eager to mess with the US in retaliation for being rebuffed by the Powers That Be there, No unleashes an atomic radio beam to disrupt their attempts at a manned missile launch. Not all that outrageous, but on the plus side, it adds up.

Next, there’s his hard to miss deformity: having lost both hands to radiation poisoning, No sports a pair of bionic, metal replacements – the crushing grip of which almost has MI6 looking for a new 007!

Finally, there’s his style. As the first ever big screen Bond villain, Dr. No establishes the fashion template for all those seeking to ape his high-cut collared outfits. Others may have worn it better, but No wore it first !

6 Alec Trevelyan

The baddie calling the shots in GoldenEye , Alec Trevelyan is Bond as seen through a mirror darkly. Formerly known as Agent 006, this rogue operative is played by the most “killed” actor in Hollywood, Sean Bean, and fittingly, his gimmick would seem to be dying.

Trevelyan appears to kick the bucket at the start of the film, then later turns up alive and well – aside from some impressive facial scarring – only to be killed again by Bond, in rather definitive fashion (it involves a very big drop and an exploding satellite dish).

Trevelyan’s scheme – to cause a financial crisis in the UK by hitting London with an EMP – touts a laudable sense of scale, and all the pieces more or less fit together (allowing for cinema’s typically embarrassing grasp of how computers and hacking actually work, that is).

When it comes to style, Trevelyan sticks mostly to dark suits and combat fatigues, which means he presents fairly well – which is actually quite an achievement, given the film’s ‘90s setting!

5 Le Chiffre

As we enter the top 5, we arrive at Le Chiffre – a math whizz (who’s also a chess grandmaster, for what it’s worth) sports a subtle yet effective gimmick. Owing to a previously injured peeper, he weeps tears composed entirely of blood!

Despite this rather unsettling physical quirk, the main villain in Casino Royale cuts a rather stylish figure, dressing almost exclusively in smart all-black suit and tie outfits, and even his asthma inhaler is platinum plated!

Backing up Le Chiffre’s gimmick and style is his wicked plot to recoup his criminal clientèle's lost cash via an ultra-high stakes poker game.

Yes, it’s a little on the risky side – as 007 proves when he lands the winning hand – but given his proven track record of counting cards and calculating probabilities, it’s easy to see how this course of action seemed a safe bet.

4 Francisco Scaramanga

The eponymous Man With The Golden Gun , Francisco Scaramanga benefits greatly from the towering frame and aristocratic charm of the late, great Christopher Lee. In fact, the world’s finest assassin is almost as suave as Bond himself!

Scaramanga complements his (literally) killer skills with not one, but three novelties. The first (and easily least cool) is a physical abnormality: his superfluous third nipple. The second is his golden pistol, which he assembles (Transformers -style) from a cigarette case, lighter, fountain pen, and cufflink! The third and final is his car, which – again, Transformers -style! – can convert from an automobile to an aircraft!

Admittedly, Scaramanga’s overarching plot is a bit basic: he’s going to nick a gadget capable of manipulating solar energy, then auction it off to the highest bidder. However, he’s redeemed by the aspect of his plan that relates to his fixation with duelling 007 inside a murder maze, which is an undeniably boss play.

3 Raoul Silva

Skyfall’s Raoul Silva presents a disarming mixture of ferocious and fey character traits that make him a genuinely disturbing fellow. That said, there’s also no escaping the fact that – horrendous peroxide job aside – this impeccably attired gent (real name: Tiago Rodriguez) is the very definition of chic.

However, lurking beneath Silva’s well-manicured facade is a shockingly grotesque disfigurement: most of his teeth and his entire left cheek have been eaten away by cyanide, after a botched suicide attempt. Indeed, it’s only by wearing a nifty dental prosthesis that he’s able to conceal his ravaged visage.



Auric Goldfinger(那个坏家伙,呃

实际上, 金手指(Goldfinger )可以声称不是策划一个,而是策划两个标志性的邦德时刻。

其中第一个与他的头有关-一种对黄金的不健康痴迷(后来被古怪的 Austin Powers 坏蛋Goldmember 嘲笑了)。在这种情况下,这种冲动表现为当他用金从头到脚掩盖邦德女郎吉尔·马斯特顿,让她的氧气缺乏的尸体找到007时,就表现出来了。

The second is maybe the most famous James Bond moment of all, and demonstrates Goldfinger’s flair for the dramatic. The big stinker straps Bond to a slab, and positions a laser so that it will slice the super spy right down the middle. His mocking response to 007, when asked if he expects his captive to give up MI6 secrets, is equally slick: “No, Mr. Bond – I expect you to die.”

Goldfinger’s got style, he’s got flair – and he’s got a pretty decent plan, as well. His scheme to devalue the gold in Fort Knox, so that his own stores would dramatically increase in worth, is well thought out, and came this close to working, too!

1 Ernst Stavro Blofeld

Was there ever really any doubt who would claim the top spot? Blofeld is pretty much the Bond villain, and thanks to his prolific work rate across seven films in the franchise, he’s the closest thing 007 has to an archenemy!

Everything about Blofeld is iconic, from his trademark pet white cat, through to his bald noggin, facial scar and preference for Mao suits. True, not all of these aspects of the supervillain’s characterisation remain consistent across his numerous appearances – that’ll happen when you’re portrayed by at least seven different actors.

But they’re established enough to have become shorthand for “Bond villain” and have inspired countless serious imitators and affectionate parodies, with Austin Powers’ Dr. Evil in particular owing Blofeld a massive debt.

And with evil schemes that range from the inspired to ludicrous, which all – low key effort in From Russia With Love notwithstanding – encompass a vast level of ambition (not to mention nuclear warheads and super viruses), Blofeld truly sets the standard.


Who’s your favorite James Bond villain? Let us know in the comments!