
威廉·达福(Willem Dafoe)已正式签约迪士尼的多哥(Togo),影片 将在该公司即将推出的流媒体服务中出现。迪士尼的无标题流媒体服务定于2019年推出,具有多项原始功能,包括改编自《星际女孩》的电影。


根据THR的报道,达福将出演多哥(Togo),这部影片将由爱立信(Ericson Core)(无敌)指挥,负责迪士尼的流媒体服务。多哥将成为真人秀,重点关注1925年大赦国际中的两个著名人物,其中,雪橇犬团队进行接力比赛,以通过大约700英里的严酷寒冷条件递送白喉抗毒素血清,这样他们就可以保存阿拉斯加的Nome镇从疫情中流行。

Of the lesser known stories in this epic saga, a dog by the name of Togo and his owner, Leonhard Seppala, traversed through the harshest conditions of the journey, where they faced temperatures 30 degrees below zero with high impact winds. Dafoe will play Kaasen in the heartwarming, dramatic story of an unlikely friendship between man and dog. In his varied career, Dafoe has worked on independent films, award favorites, and even blockbuster movies. His résumé stretches back to the 1980s, where he started with smaller roles before landing his first Oscar-nominated performance in Platoon. Since then, Dafoe has taken on various roles in high-profile films and lesser-known independent vehicles.

2000年代初期的蜘蛛侠三部曲的影迷将以演员诺曼·奥斯本(Norman Osborn)(又名绿色妖精)的形象最了解这位演员。2017年,达福凭借独立专辑《佛罗里达项目》(Florida Project)获得了第三次奥斯卡提名。而现在,他计划作为亚瑟·库里(Arthur Curry)的首席战略家之一努迪斯·沃尔科(Nudis Vulko)出现在今年的Aquaman电影中。但说完一切之后,看来他将回到迪士尼的多哥(Togo)的过去。

更多信息:Aquaman:Willem Dafoe阐述了其角色的传承