儿童游戏预告片#2和海报:马克·哈米尔(Mark Hamill)是杀手娃娃
儿童游戏预告片#2和海报:马克·哈米尔(Mark Hamill)是杀手娃娃

儿童剧翻拍的第二部预告片为马克·哈米尔(Mark Hamill)作为电影的杀手娃娃带来了第一印象。于2018年宣布,重新启动将在刀锋系列历史上一个奇怪的时刻到来。自90年代末以来就一直负责该系列的创作者唐·曼奇尼(Don Mancini)仍在研究该物业,并正在为Syfy积极开发Chucky电视连续剧。对于米高梅和Orion Pictures尝试重新推出该品牌,他也不是很兴奋,并且拒绝提供制片人的片酬。

无论如何,《儿童游戏》的翻拍将在今年6月上映,这部电影将由泰勒·伯顿·史密斯(Quantum Break)执导的拉斯·克莱夫伯格(宝丽来)导演,奥布里广场(Aubrey Plaza)和布莱恩·泰瑞·亨利(B​​rian Tyree Henry)担任主角。最初的预告片提供了影片中两个演员的快速浏览,以及重新构想的Chucky版本-在此影片中,Chucky是一个故障的数字时代儿童玩偶,而不是该玩具所拥有的玩物。明智的连环杀手的灵魂。哈米尔(Hamill)确认他要在三月为角色发声,现在我们知道他在这个角色中听起来像什么。

Orion Pictures今天在网上投放了新的儿童游戏预告片,并有望在本周末在影院上映《拉罗洛纳的诅咒》。您可以在下面的空间中查看它,然后是电影的新海报。

In truth, the Child's Play trailer only offers a snippet of Hamill's performance in the remake, but it's enough to confirm that his voice as Chucky is higher-pitched and more child-like that Brad Dourif's raspier vocals as the character in the original film and its sequels. It makes sense though; as mentioned earlier, Chucky's meant to be a technically advanced doll in the reboot, as opposed to a deranged murderer trapped in a children's toy. The full-length trailer further explains how that sci-fi element comes into play here, revealing that Chucky's able to control electronic items around him as part of his murder spree (when he's not just killing people the old-fashioned way with a kitchen knife, anyway). As a result, the remake comes off feeling like a cautionary tale about the dark side of technology, a la Klevberg's debut on Polaroid.

看到粉丝们花多长时间来观看这部新的《儿童游戏》并重新构想该系列的核心前提,一定会很有趣。曼奇尼(Mancini)的查基(Chucky)续集逐渐进入恐怖喜剧领域,但最初的儿童剧(Child's Play)却是一部直截了当的电影,看起来重新制作的效果类似。同时,很难想象哈米尔尤其不会因为他的表演而稍微偏向于查奇角色固有的野性,这使得整部电影对此显得有些不满。无论哪种方式,如果新的儿童游戏未能流行,那么至少粉丝们可以放心,因为他们知道仍然有曼奇尼的Chucky电视节目值得期待。