
派拉蒙公司的首张《变形金刚》衍生作品《 大黄蜂》 目前在全球票房收入超过4亿美元。专营权始于2007年,当时迈克尔·贝(Michael Bay)执导了第一部电影,而贝恩(Bay)则在2017年发行了《变形金刚:最后的骑士》(Transformers:The Last Knight)-不仅与影评人建立联系很困难,而且以6.05亿美元的单价创下了新低。全世界。

然后,将《变形金刚》系列的统治权移交给了久保和“两弦乐队”的特拉维斯·奈特。他的任务是导演一部大黄蜂独奏电影,并将这部电影放回1980年代,以恢复原始玩具的G1设计。 Hailee Steinfeld以新的人类主角的身份加入了影片,而Knight,Steinfeld,Bumblebee和80年代的组合得到了回报。大黄蜂是专营权中获得最佳评价的参赛作品,被公认为2018年最佳和最令人惊讶的大片之一。不幸的是,财务收益并未像以前的参赛者那样强劲,但大黄蜂仍然跨越了里程碑。


The box office performance of Bumblebee has been a major topic for fans of the film and larger IP. It has been confirmed that the spinoff is "solidly profitable" for Paramount and this will be even more true now that Bumblebee has crossed the $400M mark. The film reportedly only had a budget slightly higher than $100M, so Paramount and Knight's ability to keep the production a bit smaller helped make it so Bumblebee can be the lowest grossing film in the franchise and still be viewed as a success. Steinfeld and fellow cast member John Cena previously told Screen Rant they weren't concerned about the film's early box office numbers and there's no reason to anymore.

如今,大黄蜂被视为取得了一定程度的成功,粉丝们一定会等着续集的来临。作家克里斯蒂娜·霍德森(Christina Hodson)确切地知道她将在续集中做些什么,但目前尚不知道派拉蒙是否会进行真正的跟进。电影的结局肯定会设立专营权来讲述其他故事,因此这完全取决于制片厂的决定。随着这部电影多年来真正赢得观众和评论家的青睐,它成为一项有利可图的事业,应该使大黄蜂 有机会 获得续集的可能性更大。
