Bachelorette Andi Dorfman确认她没有约会Tyler Cameron
Bachelorette Andi Dorfman确认她没有约会Tyler Cameron

安迪·多夫曼(Andi Dorfman)是两本书的作者,也是《未婚女子》的前主编,她证实她没有与泰勒·卡梅隆约会。我们中的许多人已经知道情况确实如此,但是在夏天一起在纽约举行的跑步比赛中看到这两个人之后,谣言开始散布。

在与Juan Pablo Galavis和Josh Murray的电视转播失败之后,Dorfman很自豪地成为单身,他们俩最终都是非常糟糕的家伙。另一方面,卡梅伦(Cameron)在汉娜·布朗(Hannah Brown)的《单身汉》(The Bachelorette)季中与超模吉吉·哈迪德(Gigi Hadid)保持着良好的关系。卡梅伦是新单身,此前哈迪德(Hadid)疯狂的出行时间表阻止了他们两人建造长久的东西。卡梅伦和多夫曼在8月中旬联手大约200名粉丝一起跑步后,人们猜测这两家公司可能会开始约会。那时没有发生,Dorfman本周明确表示现在没有发生。

Dorfman告诉《 People》,“我认为他们不再运送我们了。我认为Gigi Hadid的谣言可以平息。我当时想,'不,我很好。我很清楚这件事。”“尽管32岁的多夫曼和26岁的卡梅隆都不在同一时间,但他们都参加了Wake Forest。多夫曼说:”我是一个小一点,他喜欢在我脸上擦。”

Since being The Bachelorette, Dorfman has built a brand on not needing a man to feel fulfilled. Her two books, "It's Not Okay" and "Single State of Mind" are crafted on that premise. Cameron, for his part, isn't trying to rush into a relationship as he works on starting his life in New York City. It likely won't be the last time the two are seen together, however, as they have committed themselves to training for marathons. Cameron plans to run one in Chicago and New York City in the next month, while Dorfman has created a following of inspired distance runners with her "#Andorfins" campaign on Instagram as she readies for the New York City Marathon.

每当她接受采访时,Dorfman都会被问到自己的约会状态,因为她以参加约会秀而闻名。但是自从单身汉 以来她所产生的影响要大得多。通过小说和日常跑步记录,她鼓励无数妇女过独立,健康的生活。即使Cameron是纽约市最合格的单身汉之一,这也比找到男朋友更有价值。