
复仇者联盟:无限战争》的演员 嘲笑了漫威计划的有趣团队。无限战争的最大卖点可能是看到漫威电影宇宙中的那么多星星共享屏幕。除了展示Thanos的力量外,这一直是整个营销活动的重点。从预告片和访谈中,Marvel展示了主要的三个团队。钢铁侠与奇异博士,蜘蛛侠和星际领队合作;美国队长招募他的秘密复仇者,前往瓦卡达;雷神与太空中的守护者会面


漫威为复仇者联盟(Avengers:Infinity War)发布了一个新的幕后花絮,重点关注星光熠熠的跨界车。克里斯·普拉特(克里斯·普拉特(Star-Lord),克里斯·海姆斯沃斯(Chris Hemsworth)(雷神),本尼迪克特·坎伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)(奇异博士),小罗伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)(钢铁侠),达奈·古里拉(Danai Gurira)(奥科耶(Okoye)),以及更多的人都在嘲笑他们与MCU演员们一起工作的乐趣。 ,其中许多是第一次。


As for the footage, there isn't much included that hasn't already been shown. We see more of the Battle of Wakanda, additional looks at Strange and Star-Lord's teamwork, and even the Guardians finding Thor. But, it does show some BTS looks at these scenes which is fun. If there is one moment that stands out above the rest, its Downey wearing Strange's Cloak of Levitation. The setting appears to be on one of the Q-Ships, which is believed to take Iron Man, Strange, and others to Titan to battle Thanos. This could be (and likely is) just another example of them having fun on set messing around with costumes between takes, but it'd sure be interesting if it wasn't. Why would Strange give up the cloak? Why would Iron Man even need it given his suits? It doesn't quite add up, but it makes for a fun image nonetheless.