原子金发扩展剪辑:查理兹·塞隆(Charlize Theron)知道如何使用鞋子
原子金发扩展剪辑:查理兹·塞隆(Charlize Theron)知道如何使用鞋子

查理兹·塞隆(Charlize Theron)在Atomic Blonde的最新片段中继续寻找杀死敌人的新方法 。由前约翰·威克(John Wick)前联合导演大卫·里奇(David Leitch)执导,这部电影有望成为观众全年在电影院中获得的更时尚,更刺激肾上腺素的体验之一。影片以安东尼·约翰斯顿和山姆·哈特的《最冷的城市》图画小说为蓝本,紧随塞隆作为军情六处特工洛林·布劳顿(Lorraine Broughton)的角色,当时她负责调查冷战时期东柏林(柏林之前)几名军情六处特工的谋杀案。墙被拆了。然而,很快就发现谋杀案是由双重代理人为俄罗斯人和英国人工作的,她必须追查并消除他们,以免为时已晚。

过去几周,环球影业在促进和保持Atomic Blonde意识方面也做得很好,这对于确保其在夏季大片季节取得成功至关重要,而该季节将以更知名的特许经营分期付款和品牌挤入边缘,这非常重要。名称。直到Atomic Blonde在电影院上映之前还有几周的时间,那列促销火车并没有任何放慢或停止的迹象。


Leitch looks to be taking a very similar approach to the aesthetic and fight scenes in Atomic Blonde as he did in the first John Wick. Many of the frames look like they were pulled straight out of a graphic novel - thanks to the stylish, neon-infused work by cinematographer Jonathan Sela - and as many John Wick fans would agree, that's certainly not a bad thing. This sequence, in addition to several other ones that have been teased in the film's previous trailers and TV spots, boasts some of the best fight choreography and staging that American cinema has seen in a long time, which should be enough to lure general moviegoers into theater seats for it next month.

自3月在SXSW电影节上首映以来,围绕Atomic Blonde的早期嗡嗡声总体上一直很高,这也没有什么坏处。这是否真的有助于使电影更接近发行时的兴奋度,还需要拭目以待。但是至少,在她多年从事《疯狂的麦克斯:狂暴之路》和其他著名头衔之后,塞隆(Theron)看起来再次证明自己是她这一代最有才华和最有魅力的动作明星之一与原子金发。