
在珍妮(Jenny)在《未婚夫90日:另一种方式》返回美国之前 ,她说,所有秘密的妻子戏曲都不是Sumit的错。眼泪汪汪的告别,两人分道扬,,不知道他们必须分开多久,或者他们是否会再次见面。


他们的传奇故事以珍妮(Jenny)在90天未婚夫:另一种方式的结局中与苏米特(Sumit)告别而告终。 Sumit被他的兄弟允许在向美国返回登机之前向棕榈泉本地人说最后的告别。在她过去六个月住在印度期间,他出现在他们共享的公寓里,以帮助她搬运行李,但他不被允许带她去机场。

Sumit once again apologized to his girlfriend, telling her he felt bad about lying to her about being married to another woman. Jenny cried into his arms, wishing that he had told her the secret before she gave up her life and moved across the world to be with him. For now, Jenny must go back to the United States because her visa was about to expire, but she did have hope that Sumit would be able to be granted a divorce, allowing the two to be together. In her confessional, Jenny showed her support for Sumit, acknowledging that what he did was wrong - and that he knows it was wrong - but that it was not his fault. She ended her tearful segment by saying that she does not blame him and that deep down Sumit is a good guy.
