大卫·哈伯(David Harbor)看起来像地狱男爵一样
大卫·哈伯(David Harbor)看起来像地狱男爵一样

艺术家BossLogic已经推出了他的最新片-这个想象是什么奇怪的事情明星大卫·港湾看起来就像是 地狱男爵。本周早些时候,当《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)导演尼尔·马歇尔(Neil Marshall)出镜时,该角色的粉丝惊讶地发现正在开发一部R级电影重启。令人失望的是,吉列尔莫·德尔·托罗(Guillermo del Toro)和罗恩·佩尔曼(Ron Perlman)最初的创作团队在受到两个最受追捧的功能后被替换,但对于这种新解释感到兴奋的原因有很多。紧跟最新趋势,新的《地狱男爵》(以“血腥女王的崛起”作为工作名称)被设计成一部恐怖的恐怖电影,比其前作更黑暗。



Hellboy has one of the more distinct looks in all of comics, something that's truly captured in this drawing. If the film version bears a close resemblance to this, then fans will most likely be happy with the results when the movie comes out. It will be difficult for some to envision anyone other than Perlman in the role, though Harbour certainly doesn't look out of place in Hellboy's unique get-up, suggesting he was a great choice for the reboot. He's earned a sizable following thanks to his exemplary character work in films and television, so it is nice to see him get a big break and lead a potential series of his own. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out, but right now it's best to give Harbour the benefit of the doubt and have faith in him to do the material justice.

