
自从《变形金刚:月黑之夜》在全球票房收入达到10亿美元以来,派拉蒙(Paramount)将为《变形金刚4Transformers 4)》重新回归井壁是不费吹灰之力。但是,除了知道《变形金刚4》即将面世之外,其他所有传闻都包括谣言,包括迈克尔·贝是否会重返导演席,和/或如果主演什叶派·拉博夫出演,谁将出演电影(其中他声称自己是)。



  • 变形金刚(2007)
  • 变形金刚:堕落者的复仇(2009)
  • 变形金刚:月之暗(2011)

If anything, it's surprising that the studio is allowing an extra year of breathing room before cranking out this fourth film. Whether that time is being allotted in order to allow Bay to finish work on some of the "smaller films" he's been itching to work on (see: Pain & Gain) is probably going to be a point of much speculation - but it could just as easily be a case of the TF3's continued success delaying the start of work on TF4, or the studio having a crowded summer 2013 schedule already in place. Of course, these points are not mutually exclusive, and it could be any combination of them that has TF4 on course for 2014.

现在已经设置了截止日期,我们可以期望看到球很快在电影上滚动。所以,诸如“海湾回来了吗?”之类的问题。“ TF4和TF5会背靠背射击吗?” “杰森·斯坦森真的会出演明星吗?” “它将发生在地球以外的其他地方吗?” 等等,将很快得到答复,而不是稍后。
