
DC Universe发行了真人秀Swamp Thing电视节目预告片,揭示了名义生物的第一眼。Swamp Thing是为DC Universe流服务计划的少数真人真人秀电视节目之一。它将在2018年秋季的《泰坦》和2月的《毁灭战士》首度亮相。但是,尽管《末日巡逻队》是泰坦公司的衍生产品,因此定居在同一世界中,但《沼泽物》将完全独立。Swamp Thing将于5月31日在DC Universe上首映,并将在WonderCon 2019上宣布。

《沼泽物语》由詹姆斯·万(Aquaman)制作,黑夜传说的伦·怀斯曼(Len Wiseman)执导了试播节目,马克·弗海登(Mark Verheiden)担任表演主持人。该系列改编自Len Wein和Bernie Wrightson创作的DC Comics角色。沼泽物语由安迪·宾(Andy Bean)饰演亚历克·荷兰(Alec Holland),德里克·米尔斯(Derek Mears)饰演他的“沼泽物”另类自我,克里斯汀·里德(Crystal Reed)饰演艾比·奥肯(Abby Arcane)。据报道,今天早些时候,《沼泽物语》(Swamp Thing)提前关闭了第1季的制作,将该系列的制作顺序从13集缩短到了10集。现在,影迷们首先看到了该系列的名义特征。

DC Universe发布了Swamp Thing预告片视频,首次展示了Mears带来的真人版Swamp Thing。观看下面的简短视频:

以前,Swamp Thing场景照片提供了DC Universe电视节目的期望,Wiseman发布的Swamp Thing场景视频预览了该系列的令人毛骨悚然的色调。该节目被描述为在艾比·阿坎(Abby Arcane)和沼泽物(Swamp Thing)之间有着“奇怪但诱人的水上浪漫史”。尽管该系列中的早期照片都以里德(Reed)的艾比(Abby)和比恩(Bean)的亚历克(Alec)为特色,但这是真正的《沼泽物》本人的第一眼。

Superhero TV shows have been hit-and-miss with their live-action takes on comic book characters, and the same can be said for DC Universe's originals. Although Doom Patrol's Robotman is a fairly solid take on the odd character, the TV show's Cyborg costume and design hasn't been as well received - especially with a big screen Cyborg to live up to. It remains to be seen how fans will react to the DC Universe's Swamp Thing, another character that's particularly tough to bring to live-action. Further, this brief teaser only reveals a portion of the costume, and not much action, so a better look is still to come. A trailer for Swamp Thing will surely be released in the next month or so and fans will get a better idea of what to expect from the series when it debuts in late May.

Swamp Thing 第1季将于5月31日星期五在DC Universe首映。