

今天,我们在这里探讨有史以来最重要的《星际迷航》角色之一的生活。从几乎担当此角色的Bel Air的新鲜王子,到Worf在该系列电影的内外都有的巨大知名度。



迈克尔·多恩(Michael Dorn)是在《星际迷航:下一代》中饰演Worf的演员。他声称自己比其他参加试镜的演员更认真地对待自己,从而赢得了这一角色,因为他在整个过程中都像克林贡人一样。多恩的表演有助于将角色从最初计划的次要角色中提升出来。丹妮丝·克罗斯比(Denise Crosby)希望退出演出,这导致塔莎·亚尔(Tasha Yar)逝世。沃尔夫(Worf)能够在桥梁工作人员中扮演自己的角色,他的故事取代了本来是给塔莎(Tasha)的故事。

另一位接近玩沃尔夫的演员是詹姆斯·艾弗里(James Avery),他以在《贝莱尔的新鲜王子》中扮演菲尔叔叔而闻名,并以原始的《忍者神龟》动画片中的碎纸机配音。詹姆斯·艾弗里(James Avery)在《星际迷航》(Star Trek)的两集《 Enterprise》中饰演K'Vagh将军时,最终有机会扮演Klingon。

14 Worf从连续性中抹去了另一个克林贡语


沃尔夫(Worf)在《星际迷航(Star Trek)》中的存在最终会抹去另一个克林贡人的连续性。有一本《星际迷航:原始系列》漫画于1984年问世。该系列中引入的角色之一是克林贡叛逃者,名叫Konom。他放弃了自己的人民,成为Starfleet的一员,这导致他加入了企业团队。



《星际迷航》:《柯克的企业》开始其第一个五年任务后,将近整整一百年。这并没有阻止柯克和他的朋友们继续冒险,因为当下一代电影首次亮相时,他们仍在根据原著剧集制作电影。两次演出之间的百年差距也没有阻止他们跨越,因为Bones,Spock和Scotty都出现在了The Next Generation中。柯克上尉和皮卡德上尉后来将加入《星际迷航》中。

迈克尔·多恩(Michael Dorn)在《星际迷航6:未被发现的国家》中饰演了沃尔夫,尽管这并不是您所熟悉的沃尔夫。他扮演沃尔夫上校,他是出现在《下一代》中的角色的祖父。当沃尔夫上校被指控谋杀戈孔校长时,他们代表柯克和骨头。迈克尔·多恩(Michael Dorn)还将在《星际迷航:克林贡学院》(Star Trek:Klingon Academy)电子游戏中扮演沃尔夫上校的弟弟索克·麦(Thok Mak)。

12 Worf Almost Dated Selar


特雷西·托梅(TracyTormé)是当时节目的作家之一。他竭尽全力在塞拉尔博士和沃尔夫之间绽放浪漫气氛。但是,由于其他作家想追寻Worf和K'Ehleyr之间的爱情故事,这最终导致了Alexander的介绍,这没有实现。对瑟夫而言,这并不重要,因为塞拉(Selar)和凯利(K'Ehleyr)都是苏西·普拉克森(Suzie Plakson)饰演的。

11 Worf的服装参考了原始的克林贡语

克林贡人最初在《星际迷航:原始系列》中看起来很不一样。演出的预算非常有限,这意味着制作人必须让额外的面部毛发和古铜色的肤色显得格格不入。由于《星际迷航》的电影预算较高,这种情况发生了变化。扮演克林贡人的演员现在戴着假肢前额脊。直到《星际迷航:进击的巨人》(Star Trek:Enterprise)系列影片才解释了为什么原始的克林贡人看上去很人性化,而后来的克林贡人为什么有那么大的额头。



长期以来,影迷们一直怀疑该剧中的演员会暗中憎恨自己的角色。这就是艾伦·里克曼(Alan Rickman)在《银河探索》中扮演角色的目的。当像伦纳德·尼莫伊(Leonard Nimoy)这样的演员发行自传《我不是Spock》(实际上指的是书中的轶事,而不是尼莫伊对角色的厌恶)时,或者威廉·沙特纳(William Shatner)做SNL短剧告诉他球迷“获得生命”。

迈克尔·多恩(Michael Dorn)就是这样的演员,歌迷怀疑可能已经厌倦了与《星际迷航》的联系。在15年的时间里,他几乎每天都要花几个小时化妆,然后在会议线路上又花了15年的时间。然而,迈克尔·多恩(Michael Dorn)并没有完全完成这个角色,因为他花了很多年向派拉蒙(Paramount)请愿参加沃尔夫上尉的电视节目。他为该节目撰写了试播集,并在数个不同的场合向高管们介绍了该集。




多年来,发行了许多《星际迷航》漫画系列,涵盖了电视节目的各种形式。《星际迷航》还与漫画中的《 X战警》和《神秘博士》等特许经营权交叉,这在现实生活中是不可能实现的。

IDW星际迷航》漫画在2014年播出了一个名为“ The Q Gambit”的故事。Q用自己的力量将重新启动的企业带到了未来,在那里他们遇到了西斯科上尉,在整个宇宙中都有冒险经历。在本系列的第三部分中,他们到达了一个现实,其中克林贡帝国是宇宙中的主导力量,并接管了地球。在这种现实中,地球的统治者是大臣沃尔夫(Worf),他整天坐在一个很棒的木制宝座上。

8 Worf是要创建的最后一个TNG演员

现在看来似乎是个疯狂的想法,但吉恩·罗登伯里(Gene Roddenberry)最初不希望《原著》系列的任何外星种族出现在《下一代》中。他想要一块完全干净的石板,其中也不包括原始石膏的任何浮雕。持续的时间不长,因为克林贡人现在在企业号上服役,年长的麦考伊博士在节目的第一集访问了这艘船。星际迷航:下一代最终是新旧混合,克林贡人和罗慕兰人出现在Ferengi和Cardassians旁边。

Worf是要创建的The Next Generation演员表的最后一名成员。这是由于吉恩不愿包括克林贡队友。系列圣经中甚至没有提到沃尔夫。当沃尔夫最终被加入名单时,他原本打算是次要角色。迈克尔·多恩(Michael Dorn)的表演给作家留下了深刻的印象,以至于沃尔夫(Worf)开始对故事更加重要,并很快成为节目的主要角色之一。


塞思·麦克法兰(Seth MacFarlene)无疑是最大的明星星际迷航迷。他的动画片充满了《星际迷航》的参考资料,导致《下一代》的全部演员出现在《全家福》的一集中。他说服了帕特里克·斯图尔特,玛丽娜·西尔蒂斯和迈克尔·多恩重新担任《全家福》中的《星际迷航》中的角色,甚至说服斯图尔特继续担任美国爸爸。就《星际迷航》本身而言;麦克法兰(MacFarlene)出现在企业版中,并曾试图让该系列的新剧集在2011年投入使用。

迈克尔·多恩(Michael Dorn)作为里克(Rick)出现在泰德2(Ted 2)中。电影中有一个场景,里克和他的爱人参加Comic-Con,只是为了使他们能与书呆子见面。迈克尔·多恩(Michael Dorn)的角色穿着可怕的沃尔夫(Worf)服装,而他的情人穿着Tick服装。包括多恩(Dorn)和他的服装,只是麦克法伦(MacFarlene)在工作中猖fan狂热的另一个例子。

6 Worf讲述了几本克林贡有声读物

克林贡语是世界上使用最多的小说语言。这可以归因于詹姆斯·杜汉(James Doohan),他想出了《星际迷航:电影》中的前几句克林贡语。该语言由马克·奥克兰(Marc Okrand)完全实现,他受派拉蒙(Paramount)委托充实了克林贡语,并将其教给需要讲话的演员。欧格兰(Okrand)将发行几本有关克林贡语(Klingon)语言的书,这是使歌迷能够流利地学习和说话的语言。

已经有几种流行的克林贡语有声读物,可以帮助您发音。其中两本有声读物由迈克尔·多恩(Michael Dorn)讲述为沃尔夫(Worf)。对话式Klingon和Power Klingon均由Worf担任旁白,为听众准备说出Klingon语言的最佳方法。迈克尔·多恩(Michael Dorn)还叙述了其他几本《星际迷航》小说,尽管是无名叙述者,而不是沃尔夫。


丹妮丝·克罗斯比(Denise Crosby)在第一季的拍摄过程中离开了《星际迷航:下一代》。这是因为她对自己在舞台上或舞台上的待遇不满意。塔莎·亚尔(Tasha Yar)在《邪恶的皮肤》中被杀,并且卡住了,因为她从未复活或通过其他方式复活。

Tasha Yar died, yet Denise Crosby kept returning to the show. She regretted leaving and was open to filming cameos, which led to the creation of Sela (Tasha's half-Romulan daughter) and the occasional appearance of an alternate universe Tasha. The character of Tasha reappeared in the classic episode "Yesterday's Enterprise", which showed a reality where the Klingon-Federation War never ended.

At the end of the episode, the Enterprise is attacked and almost destroyed by the Klingons. During the production of the episode, it was originally planned for Worf to be the captain of one of the Klingon vessels. He would order the Enterprise to surrender and then lead the attack when they refused.

4 The South Park Cameo

The sixth season of South Park featured an episode called "Fun With Veal". This episode focused on the boys discovering that veal is actually another word for baby cow, which causes them all to become vegetarians. They end up kidnapping a bunch of baby cows and hiding them in their homes. The episode then becomes a hostage drama, where the boys dealt with an incompetent negotiator who gave in to all of their demands. Cartman demands that their getaway vehicle is driven by Michael Dorn in full Worf makeup and that he can only be referred to as "Captain".

Michael Dorn's voice in the episode was portrayed by Matt Stone. Dorn has repeatedly said in interviews that he would have played himself in the episode if he had been asked. He is also a vegan in real life, which means that he may have been willing to perform in the episode due to the fact that it supports being a vegetarian (even though it really doesn't, as the boys start growing vaginas on their body because they stopped eating meat).

3 Worf Hung Out With Webster

In 1983, ABC debuted a sitcom called Webster. It focused on the titular main character, who was a young black boy who had been adopted by two wealthy white parents. Webster was often accused of being a ripoff of a similar NBC show called Diff'rent Strokes. The show ran until 1989 before it was finally canceled.

So what does any of this have to do with Star Trek? Well, the final episode of Webster was an official crossover with Star Trek: The Next Generation, called "Webtrek".

In "Webtrek", Webster is playing on his computer when lightning strikes outside his house. This beams him up to the Enterprise-D, where he encounters Worf. The fact that a tiny human just appeared on the bridge doesn't seem to bother Worf, as he hangs around and chats with Webster. The episode then turns into a Webster clip show, as all of the best scenes from the series are played. The episode ends with Webster in bed, with the joystick from his computer bearing a label that says it was fixed by the crew of the Enterprise. This means that the episode wasn't a dream and it is a totally official crossover.

2 Worf Ended Up Marrying Grilka

When the first Star Trek reboot movie was released in 2009, it left fans wondering about the fate of the TV show continuity. In Star Trek (2009), Nero goes back in time and changes reality. So does that mean that only Star Trek: Enterprise is still in canon?

The universe of the TV shows is continued on in Star Trek Online, which focuses on what happened after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis. In Star Trek Online, Worf became the Federation ambassador to Qo'nos, which was the position given to him at the end of Deep Space Nine. Worf would eventually marry Grilka, who is the ex-wife of Quark from the classic episode "The House of Quark". Grilka later appeared in the episode "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places", where she was romantically pursued by Worf. This couldn't happen at the time, as Worf was considered to be a traitor to the Klingon Empire at that point in Deep Space Nine.

Worf and Grilka would marry in 2385. The two of them would start a family, with Grilka giving birth to a son, whom they named K'Dhan.

1 Worf Holds The Record For The Most Appearances In Star Trek

The universe of Star Trek has mostly been focused on Starfleet. We see the world through the eyes of Federation citizens and their skewed perspective of events. The characters of Star Trek are intended to represent a bright future for humanity, where we abandon our prejudices and work together to overcome issues like disease and hunger together, as one species.

It seems that Star Trek fans are more interested in visiting the Klingon Empire, as the character who has appeared the most throughout the franchise is Worf. He showed up in almost every episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation and in all of the films based on the series. Worf also appeared in almost every episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine after he was added to the cast in season four. This means that Worf appeared in 282 episodes and four movies.

The only person who has come close to Michael Dorn's numbers is Colm Meaney, who played Miles O'Brien in 225 different episodes.

Kahless once told Worf that he would do something that no other Klingon had ever done, and he was right. Worf managed to upstage every other human and Vulcan character in Star Trek history.
