za!会很有趣,但不会包括“ Quippy One-Liners”
za!会很有趣,但不会包括“ Quippy One-Liners”

za! 导演大卫·桑德伯格(David F. Sandberg)已向Reddit承诺向影迷承诺,尽管他的电影很有趣,但不会有太多的讽刺或单线。再一次,DC扩展宇宙的未来似乎处于不断变化的状态。DCEU由有争议的导演扎克·斯奈德(Zack Snyder)发起,他对超人神话采取了黑暗和沉思的态度。他将超人解释为一个不情愿的英雄,他的能力负担使他感到压抑。批评的反应好坏参半,但华纳兄弟继续采用这种方法-直到蝙蝠侠V超人被释放为止。

那部电影迫使人们进行了路线调整,结果是去年的正义联盟。不幸的是,甚至正义联盟也没有遇到工作室所希望的受欢迎和批评性的反应。 DC Films目前正在再次发展。球迷们早就怀疑大卫·桑德伯格(David F. Sandberg)的莎赞(Shazam)!将是课程校正的一部分。毕竟,它吸引着一个十几岁的少年,当他说出魔语时,他会转变成超级英雄。


In short, Sandberg's argument is that the best films have a balance of different elements. If a film is nothing but dramatic moments, it's difficult to care for the characters. If it's nothing but humor, the threats feel meaningless. The blend of disparate elements is what gives the film its character. Take, for example, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. James Gunn used the quips to hide the fact that, in thematic terms, this is Marvel's darkest film to date. The villain is a father who has slaughtered his children. One of the most important scenes features two sisters, Gamora and Nebula, brutally attempting to kill one another. Gunn used the humor to create a style and tone for the film, but blended it with some tremendously dark concepts.

似乎桑德伯格(Sandberg)与沙赞(Shazam)正在采取不同的方法 他对这个玩笑和一线不感兴趣。取而代之的是,电影的幽默感将来自特定的情况。这是一种不同的幽默方式,与许多好莱坞大片略有不同,华纳兄弟公司希望它会大受欢迎。