
尽管许多与Kardashians保持同步的情节线已经使电视闪烁起来,但第6季还是对该系列原本闪亮的饰面造成了不利影响。没错,该节目向观众介绍了设计师Riccardo Tisci等裁缝设计师。它展示了Tristan Thompson和James Harden等著名运动员,以及Tyga,French Montana和John Legend等音乐家。它甚至钻研了一个挣扎于其族长的性别认同的美国家庭。但是,这些表演集却平淡无奇。

第6季于2011年6月12日首播,标题为“家庭与金钱”。揭幕战给球迷带来了金正日与NBA球员克里斯·汉弗莱斯(Kris Humphries)的热恋。接下来的一周,第2集的标题为“金成为一名舞台妈妈”,向观众介绍了金的性格的新方面:训练中的妈妈。她对姐姐肯德尔·詹纳(Kendall Jenner)的崭露头角的模特生涯充满了不健康的兴趣,让听众问:“妈妈克里斯(Kama)妈妈是谁?”

随着季节的继续,还有其他情节剧在制片人的严厉指导下进行。克里斯·詹纳(Kris Jenner)考虑将其姓氏改回卡戴珊(Kardashian),让配偶质疑她对他们的关系和家庭的忠诚度。金还获得了她臭名昭著的最有价值资产的X光片,并一劳永逸地向世界展示了她的屁股是真实的。尽管对他们的非正统关系感到担忧,但库尔特尼和斯科特还是打算扩大家庭。一家人继续对斯科特的醉酒行为和对夜生活的热情施加压力。

Perhaps the biggest eye roll of the season came when the Kardashian-Jenners trekked to Bora Bora for vacation. Humphries accompanied Kim, but there was soon trouble in paradise. In a moment of levity, the B-baller tossed his lady love into the sea, resulting in the tantrum heard 'round the world. One of Kim's $75,000 diamond earrings was lost in the horseplay, but Humphries was less than sympathetic. As the season drew to a close, Kim forgave and forgot, and ultimately managed to wrangle an engagement out of her beau. Viewers marveled as the basketball player sneaked into her home, decorating it with rose petals. He dropped down to one knee and popped the question. Keeping Up with the Kardashians's season 6 culminated with a huge wedding befitting a princess (in a multi-part televised special, of course), and left us all wondering if Kim could really live happily ever after with her hubby. Season six's final episode titled, "Kendall's Sweet 16," wrapped up the family's shenanigans in a nice big birthday bow for the budding model, with her adoring relatives in tow.

这个季节如此萧条的原因是,观众只能看到太多虚假的混乱,而随后不久的所有多汁时刻都变成了录音供词期间的简短顿悟。 Kourtney和Scott都一团糟(所以还有什么新的?)。克里斯(Kris)和布鲁斯(Bruce)(现为凯特琳(Caitlyn))表现出婚姻疲劳的迹象,很少透露他们的婚姻中真正发生了什么。肯德尔(Kendall)和凯莉(Kylie)被给予了不必要的放映时间,在他们的幼年中很少有时间来放映,并说出你想要的,但金正恩(Kim)几乎是无法认出的一个渴望,渴望婚姻的山谷女孩。值得庆幸的是, 《与卡戴珊同盟》 第6季中的每个故事情节(和演员)都演变成比最初在2011年播出的内容更为深刻和真实的事物。