
看起来《 环太平洋起义》将是本周末将《黑豹》从票房榜上夺冠的影片 。自Ryan Coogler于一个月前首次登上Marvel Cinematic Universe以来,凭借其强大的口碑和较弱的竞争优势,它一直主导着整个市场。《黑豹》甚至超越了最残酷的期望,是有史以来票房收入最高的电影之一,并且成为自詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)的头像(Avatar)以来连续五个周末排名第一的第一部电影。简而言之,这是一种现象。


Per Box Office Pro预计《环太平洋起义》的前三天将获得2500万美元的收入。这将使其远远超过《黑豹》,《黑豹》的票房总额估计为1570万美元。根据追踪的数据,《黑豹》预计到周日在国内的票房将达到6.297亿美元,这一数字将使其成为美国有史以来票房第五高的电影。距离复仇者联盟(Avengers)成为MCU的最高收入仅几天之遥。

This development has more to do with Black Panther being six weeks old than anything else. By now, the Marvel blockbuster has done most of its business, and it's slowing down now that the hype is starting to die down. Pacific Rim Uprising isn't a juggernaut in the making. The 2013 original (which grossed a modest $101.8 million domestically) debuted with $37,2 million, so it's clear there's a diminished interest in the property - at least in America. Despite John Boyega's performance and action-packed battles, many feel Uprising is an uninspired followup, which will hurt its commercial appeal. Universal will have to depend heavily on the international box office in order to break even on the $150 million production budget.

动画喜剧《福尔摩斯》(1450万美元),动作车《古墓丽影》(1030万美元)和基于信仰的电影《我只能想象》(960万美元)将使本周末的前五名入围。Unsane和Midnight Sun等其他几个新版本应该排在前10名之列,但由于嗡嗡声有限,预计不会产生太大的影响。预计他们前三天的收入分别仅为380万美元和440万美元。

资料来源:Box Office Pro