La La Land获得电视广告;星光之城轨道发布
La La Land获得电视广告;星光之城轨道发布

好莱坞目前正处于颁奖季的旺季,今年最明显的奥斯卡角逐者之一是La La Land,这是 由Damien Chazelle(Whiplash)执导的原创音乐剧。这部电影由坠入爱河的爵士钢琴家兼有抱负的女演员瑞安·高斯林(Ryan Gosling)和艾玛·斯通(Emma Stone)主演,在秋季电影节巡回演出中大受好评,赢得了评论家的一致好评。口耳相传只能在12月临近其剧院首映式时增强 La La Land 的吸引力。

Lionsgate在推广该项目方面做得非常出色,将多个预告片放在一起,突出了情感驱动的歌曲和梦幻般的美学。随着发布日期的临近,该工作室已进入广告的下一阶段,其中包括电视广告。 La La Land的 商业广告现已上线,您可以在上方观看。

结合先前促销项目的镜头和一些新镜头(包括更多有关洛杉矶交通拥堵情况下该电影的开拍数量的镜头),该景点主要着重于聚焦La La Land收到的许多正面评论,并选择拉引语出售它作为必看的体验。像许多其他营销材料一样,它也很注重对话,使用国际预告片中的动听音乐来设定气氛。

如果说《 La La Land》 在听众中和评论家一样受欢迎,那么在节日期间对音乐的需求就应该很高。Interscope Records将于12月9日发行该专辑,该日期与电影在部分城市上映的日期相同。该品牌已经开始为 La La Land 推出自己的唱片,推出了完整版的曲目“ City of Stars”,这首歌是高斯林和斯通(二重奏)的二重奏。您可以在上面的视频中收听。

有些人可能认为这首歌是高斯林在第一部 La La Land中 独奏的歌曲 teaser that debuted back in July, but there are some noticeable differences between the two versions. The most obvious one is that the lyrics have been altered. Whereas the trailer's take struck a somber and mysterious tone, the duet is far more optimistic, coming from the perspective of two people hopeful their wildest dreams are about to come true. One has to wonder if the rendition from the teaser - which ended with the line, "Is this the start of something wonderful and new or one more dream that I cannot make true?" - will be featured in the final cut. It wouldn't be surprising if "City of Stars" ends up popping up in a couple of scenes, since Lionsgate seems to be positioning it as the movie's lead song. Time will tell if La La Land ends up being a Best Picture player, but it appears to have a Best Original Song nomination locked up.