约翰·克莱斯(John Cleese)是否加入DC扩展宇宙电影?
约翰·克莱斯(John Cleese)是否加入DC扩展宇宙电影?

DC的扩展宇宙可能在收到好评时可能还没有爆炸式的开始,但是到目前为止,演员表的决定一直是相对年轻且不断增长的漫画风格宇宙中最强大的方面之一。从本·阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck)的《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义曙光》中的《黑暗骑士》到玛格特·罗比,后者是《自杀小队》中粉丝最喜欢的恶棍哈雷·奎因,他最受人欢迎的转折点是,DC至少在很大程度上将其赶出了公园。演员的选择。

随着即将上映的《蝙蝠侠》单人电影中乔·曼加尼内罗(Joe Manganiello)的角色被宣布为“死中风”,DC宣布再增加一部影片只是时间问题。多亏了社交媒体,粉丝们才知道这是谁的新线索。

通过Twitter用户Dennis Lamb(通过漫画书)引起了粉丝的关注,似乎Batman v Superman:Dawn of Justice的英国官方帐户以及摄影师Clay Enos(曾参与Suicide Squad和Dawn of Justice)都兼有开始关注约翰·克莱斯(John Cleese)。在宣布Manganiello担任Deathstroke角色之前,发生了类似的事件,因此Cleese更有可能成为DCEU的下一个成员。

Obviously, at this point, this rumor has little to no evidence to suggest it as fact, and there’s even less evidence than there was for Manganiello before he was eventually cast. However, the way that DC has gone all in for the aforementioned Affleck (who a lot of fans were skeptical about at first, somewhat paralleling Heath Ledger’s casting in The Dark Knight) and relative newcomer Gal Gadot as the beloved Wonder Woman, it wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine Cleese finding a place in DC. The possibilities of who he could end up playing are vast, and many fans have already speculated a plethora of characters who would fit the actor’s persona, including those ranging from Dr. Fate to G. Gordon Godfrey.

诚然,与批评家们眼中他们将如何纠正当前产品的方式相比,未来DC投放的人可能面色苍白。电影制片人可以选拔世界上最好的演员,但是如果该产品没有引起影迷和评论家的共鸣,那么电影中的人物最终将毫无意义。不过,随着即将发布的Gadot的《神奇女侠》(Wonder Woman)在2017年发行,这一切可能会改变,华纳兄弟公司在对高管进行甄选之后对此表示了信心。

