
复仇者:残局 商品可能已经证实复仇者的神秘新的白色西装的目的。当商品显示《复仇者联盟》将在《复仇者联盟:终局之战》中获得某种新服装时,没有人感到特别惊讶。从业务的角度来看,某种服装的更换意味着从销售商品中获得更多的钱。然而,这些新装看起来很有功能-好像它们确实是由情节驱动的。

人们普遍认为《复仇者联盟:残局》将是一部时空旅行电影,复仇者联盟试图重写历史记录,以防止Thanos抢先发生。最可能的时间旅行方法是通过“量子领域”,而“蚁人与黄蜂”则通过点按“量子领域”的时间漩涡来明确提出这一想法。而且,值得注意的是,这些白色服装看起来与为“蚁人与黄蜂”开发的Quantum Realm环境套装的概念艺术非常相似。假设地球上尚存的英雄们会穿上这些服装进入量子领域,然后使用量子领域来回溯,这似乎是合理的。


But here's the crucial detail: all of those set photos appeared to show members of the Avengers time-traveling. They were most notably worn by both Paul Rudd and Robert Downey Jr. on a set that recreated the Battle of New York from 2012's The Avengers. Downey's makeup clearly suggested he was supposed to be playing an older version of Tony Stark, while Rudd's Ant-Man hadn't even gone to prison at the time of The Avengers - let alone suited up as a superhero. This wrist device explicitly links these white uniforms with the time travel scenes, and suggests that all the theories are probably correct. It really does look as though the Avengers don these new costumes in order to travel in time, and then ditch them when they've gotten where (or when) they need to go. They keep the wrist devices on, though.

