
动作喜剧Stuber由 Kumail Nanjiani和Dave Bautista担任主角,但其中是否包括设置潜在续集的片尾片?这部电影由迈克尔·道斯(Michael Dowse)(如果,如果做的话)根据特里珀·克兰西(Triper Clancy)(热狗,反对银行四人)的剧本导演,这部电影跟随一名优步司机迫切希望获得五星级评级,以及LAPD侦探用绳索将他追踪到药物主销。从Stuber的预告片中可以看出,Nanjiani扮演焦虑的Uber司机Stu,后者从一个讨厌的同事那里获得了Stuber的绰号,而包蒂斯塔则扮演猛男侦探Vic。

在今年早些时候在西南偏南举行了全球首演之后,Stuber现在终于在影院上映了。 Stuber虽然最初是20世纪Fox的一部电影,但在3月份完成的Disney-Fox交易中被收购后,现在由Walt Disney Studios发行。因此,这成为迪士尼多年来发行的第一部R级电影。现在,那些对Nanjiani和Bautista好友动作喜剧感到好奇的人可以在剧院里亲自检查Stuber。


We won't spoil the ending of Stuber for those who haven't seen it yet, but it does wrap up the movie's main storyline sufficiently - meaning there isn't any obvious setup for a potential sequel anyway. Of course, if Stuber were to become immensely successful among viewers and at the box office, it's possible the studio would consider a followup. However, the Stuber reviews haven't been overwhelmingly positive and it remains to be seen how well the movie connects with the public. But without a post-credits scene directly setting up a sequel, at least Stuber doesn't fall into the trap of other films that did the same and ended up never following through on those sequel promises.
