与星共舞”珍娜·约翰逊(Jenna Johnson)说“大脑积极性”帮助她拥抱了不安全感
与星共舞”珍娜·约翰逊(Jenna Johnson)说“大脑积极性”帮助她拥抱了不安全感

詹娜·约翰逊(Jenna Johnson)与星空舞者共舞,他解释说,拥抱不安全感始于大脑的积极性。舞者张贴了自己的身体前后照片,但向她的追随者解释说,心理健康是照片中发生的更大转变。

珍娜(Jenna)是一位专业的拉丁舞和舞厅舞者兼编舞。 2013年,她在舞蹈比赛节目《你以为可以跳舞》第10季获得第三名时就名声大噪。她继续着与星共舞的职业舞蹈生涯,并与她的搭档奥林匹克花样滑冰运动员亚当·里波恩(Adam Rippon)赢得了第二个赛季。然后,当她成为导师和编舞家之一时,她回到了《让你认为你可以跳舞:下一代》一书中。她在第14季以全明星的身份再次回到演出,并跻身第4名。这位多才多艺的舞者还在2019年4月与星舞交谊舞专业瓦伦丁·切莫科夫斯基(Valentin Chmerkovskiy)结伴同伴跳舞。她最近对自己的身心健康非常陌生。



“Love Your Brain, Love Your Life”. I recently came across a video by Dr. Daniel Amen who gave this quote while talking about mental health. I was so struck by these words and really reflected on them.. Pictured are two girls. And I LOVE both of them. The difference is, the girl on the left didn’t trust herself. Tried to cover herself up with a mask of makeup and that terrible flower crown. Feared what people thought about her. Didn’t know who she was. Tried to be what other people wanted. Was afraid to look up! And ultimately it reflected on her outward appearance. The girl on the right decided to embrace herself. Accepted her insecurities. Loved her acne! Doesn’t wear makeup 90% of the time. Opened up. Took charge of her life and her identity. Blocked out the bullies and the critics who don’t know her. Tries everyday to love herself and know her worth!!. Maybe some of you thought this was only a ‘body positivity’ post (which it is too) but more importantly it’s a BRAIN POSITIVITY post. It’s crazy how much effort and care we put into our physical bodies to keep them healthy and working… but why don’t we put that same effort into our brain?! And our mental health?!. Anyways, I’m grateful for both women pictured. Grateful for all that I’ve gone through. And I’M PROUD OF HOW FAR I’VE COME! And how HARD I’ve worked on both my physical and mental health! ?. #mentalhealth #drdanielamen #loveyourbrain #healthyandhappy #beforeandafter #bodypositivity

Jenna Johnson Chmerkovskiy(@ dance10jenna)分享的帖子·PDT 2019年7月25日下午3:21

这位25岁的职业舞蹈家写了她现在的位置,并说,尽管她身体健康,但她发现最重要的是心理上的转变。珍娜(Jenna)承认该帖子具有明显的“对身体有益”的性质,但写道:“更重要的是,这是一篇关于大脑积极性的帖子。” 然后,她继续谈论要达到现在的身体状态需要花费多少精力,但随后问她的追随者:“但是为什么我们不将同样的精力投入大脑呢?!还有我们的心理健康?” 她结束了冗长的标题,她对自己的两个版本表示感谢,并说:“我为自己即将来临而感到骄傲!而且我在身体和精神健康方面都非常努力!”
