
尽管发布了新的创意,但CW的最新 Charmed 重新启动预告片确认与原始系列有很大关系:Melinda Warren。原始系列的影迷及其明星对重新制作节目表示了不同的感受,与原始作品几乎没有联系。Holly Marie Combs(Piper Halliwell)批评了网络中的年龄歧视,并暗示与最初的复兴不同,复兴将是“有趣的女权主义”改编。Shannen Doherty(Prue Halliwell)此后开始支持该系列节目,以创造一个讨论女性赋权的新机会。

梅琳达·沃伦(Melinda Warren)是Prue,Piper和Phoebe Halliwell和Paige Matthews的强大祖先。她拥有他们的所有权力,并将他们传给了家族。她出现在第1季的情节“巫婆回来了”中,表明在被术士爱人出卖后,她在塞勒姆女巫审判中被烧死在火刑柱上。在第3季的《哈利韦尔的平安夜》中,她再次以婴儿的身份出现。尽管在派珀(Piper)的孩子的庆祝仪式上,她没有出任家庭女家长,但她通常被称为Charmed系列的开端,负责姐妹的神奇命运。

CW的新预告片显示,姐妹们从白光师(Rupert Evans)那里收到了自己的“影子之书”。打开后,将显示有关Melinda的条目。查看以下完整的预告片:

就像在原始的《影子书》中一样,条目似乎是手工绘制和书写的,其插图类似于泰勒·莱顿在先前系列中扮演的梅琳达。画外音强调家庭和姐妹情谊将再次成为该系列的主题。在最初的Charmed中,执行制片人Brad Kern将该节目描述为“关于碰巧是巫婆的姐妹,而不是碰巧是姐妹的巫婆”。

Whether the Vera sisters are related to Melinda (and therefore the Halliwells), or she acts as an important historical witch is the big question. The new trio are set to come into their magical destiny much the same way the Halliwells did - with a death in the immediate family. In addition to being younger than the Halliwells, with younger sisters Maggie and Mel still in school, the new trio will practice brujería or Latinx witchcraft traditions. Much like Sex and the City, the original Charmed was praised for speaking out about personal and professional freedoms for women, but a decade later, has received some negative feedback for its limited inclusion of women (or witches) of color and queer characters. The Vera sisters are Latina, and Mel will be gay.


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