
据报道,动画改编的《 蝙蝠侠:寂静》终于找到了声音,并被DC动画资深人士所吸引。去年夏天,DC Entertainment宣布改编了流行的蝙蝠侠漫画后将近六个月。

《蝙蝠侠:嘘》将根据2002年流行的同名漫画改编,该漫画使《 Caped Crusader》与神秘的《嘘》对峙,后者从远处操纵了超级英雄巨大的恶性敌人,试图一劳永逸地摧毁蝙蝠侠。由于吉姆·李(Jim Lee)的创作和坚韧不拔的艺术品,由杰夫·勒布(Jeph Loeb)创作的漫画集在粉丝和评论家中都广受欢迎。粉丝们一直希望看到该漫画适合大屏幕播放,尽管显然这不会很快发生,但宣布了动画版本,这引起了很多漫画读者的兴趣。

根据粉丝的复仇,《蝙蝠侠:寂静》这部动画电影朝着发展的下一步迈进了一步,并发现了自己的声音。宣布的名字包括:杰森·奥马拉,杰里·奥康奈尔,塔拉·斯特朗,雷恩·威尔逊,布鲁斯·托马斯和凡妮莎·威廉姆斯。虽然尚未正式宣布上映日期,但该报告提到该电影目前的时长为74分钟。重要的是要注意,但是,DC Entertainment尚未确认演员表或播放时间,因此暂时不应将其视为谣言。

Either way, the report doesn't reveal who the actors are playing in the animated film, though a few healthy assumptions can be made. O'Mara has played Batman in animated films in the past, like Justice League Dark, so it's safe to say that he'd be reprising that role again. Likewise, O'Connell has played Superman (who does appear in the Batman: Hush comic) in past animated films like The Death of Superman, so again it's a likely bet he'll be playing the character again. Strong has played Harley Quinn quite a few times in the past, in both animated films and the latter two Arkham games. The others are a little more difficult to guess, but they've all done past DC animated voice work in various roles.

假设此演员表信息正确无误,那肯定会是一个令人震惊的发展,因为像凯文·康罗伊(Kevin Conroy)和马克·哈米尔(Mark Hamill)这样的蝙蝠侠动画退伍军人过去都对重新扮演《蝙蝠侠:寂静》动画电影的蝙蝠侠和小丑角色表达了浓厚的兴趣。实际上,这部电影的IMDb页面当前有两名演员都与该电影相关,尽管该网站并不完全值得信赖,因为任何人都可以对其进行编辑。不管怎样,《 蝙蝠侠:寂静》肯定会出现,并且有可能会在DC动画老手的手中。希望它可以提供粉丝们期待已久的改编。
