单身汉的杰米·奥蒂斯(Jamie Otis):怀孕时可能发现了癌性组织
单身汉的杰米·奥蒂斯(Jamie Otis):怀孕时可能发现了癌性组织

来自“单身汉”和“ 一见钟情”的杰米·奥蒂斯(Jamie Otis)可能在怀孕期间发现了癌组织。真人秀和电视节目主持人还透露,她已被诊断出患有HPV。

奥蒂斯(Otis)首次进入真人秀电视节目是本·弗拉尼克(Ben Flajnik)的《单身汉》(The Bachelor)赛季的参赛者。后来,她以单身等待出现的身份出现在“第一眼”。 Otis与软件工程师Hehner配对。尽管这对夫妻最初没有任何火花,但他们承诺加入工会,并于2014年结婚。赫纳和奥的斯甚至是“酷婚,酷父母”播客的主持人。在他们的工会期间,他们经历了许多成长中的痛苦,包括他的债务和吸烟问题,以及她母亲的吸毒成瘾,以及不得不作为兄弟姐妹的看护人。如果奥蒂斯(Otis)的健康问题阻止她将来再生育亲子,她还表示愿意接受收养。

奥蒂斯(Otis)在她12月4日发布的Instagram帖子上大吃一惊。她告诉她的追随者,她参加了子宫颈抹片检查和妊娠检查。在医生的护理下,奥蒂斯(Otis)了解到她的医师在子宫颈中发现了异型增生,这可能是癌症的早期征兆。她必须等到怀孕后才能进行活检。尽管面临着最新的挑战,奥蒂斯(Otis)表示她对自己的健康心存感激,并致力于保持积极向上。这位真人秀明星的诊断令人担忧,因为她多次流产,包括2019年初怀孕。她和丈夫道格·赫纳(Doug Hehner)都有一个2岁的女儿叫亨利(Henley)。奥的斯目前怀孕17周,有一个儿子。她在下面的Instagram帖子中发布了所有相关信息:


I have a rainbow baby in my arms & a rainbow baby in my belly.????I’ve never felt more *BLESSED*!???…and the way Gracie girl is hugging her baby brother in the last two pics.? #meltmyheart ? • In other news, I went to the doc and heard my pap was bad & I have HPV. Although it sounds like an STD and I should freak the F out, I know this is somewhat common and not to be overly worried about. I was scheduled to have a colposcopy just to take a better look at the skin cells in my vagina.?Also, not really a big deal as long as the doc doesn’t see dysplasia…if she does then it could be a sign of early cancer.? I took a video while I was at the doctors getting the colposcopy-I put the link to our @hotmarriagecoolparents YouTube page in my bio if you wanna watch. At that point I didn’t know whether to worry or not. It could be absolutely nothing. • Buuut, I got the call today saying that my doc did see dysplasia & since I’m pregnant we will have to wait to biopsy my cervix until after I have the baby. • My head’s been all over the place. Thoughts go from “I’m sure I’m fine. I had this with Gracie too.” But then I can’t help but wonder, “What if?!”? • I’ve had two friends reach out to me. One was like, “oh you’ll be fine. So many friends had this.”?? Another said, “I may have to have a hysterectomy after they found that in me bc I have actual cancer now.”? • So I just have to wait until after I have the baby to really know what’s going on inside me, but I’m just putting the positive vibes out there & praying & being so THANKFUL for my health.?? • I couldn’t help but think about all the women who are pregnant and find out super scary news like they actually do have cancer or a fatal disease and they’re left with the tough decision: treat yourself while pregnant to save your life but risk losing the baby OR take your chances and postpone treatment to save your baby.? I cannot even imagine having to make that decision.? My heart goes out to those mamas. If you’re one of them, I’m sending you SO MUCH LOVE.? • • • #rainbowbaby #pregnancyupdate #secondtrimester #pregnancystyle #bump #pregnancy #pregnantbelly #pregnancyafterloss #preggo

J amie O tis??✨(@jamienotis)在2019年12月4日下午4:47分享的帖子

奥的斯每周一次向我们透露:“我一直,一直希望有很多孩子,所以,A,他们彼此相爱,以及B,所以我可以建立自己的家庭,并在感恩节的餐桌上有很多人,每年保证,”她解释说,“我真的希望至少有四个孩子。” 奥蒂斯(Otis)在帖子中还解释说,直到婴儿出生后,她才真正发现自己是否确实患有癌症,她说:“因此,我只需要等到婴儿真正了解患病情况之后,在我内心深处,但我只是将积极的氛围摆在外面,祈祷并为自己的健康而深表谢意。”

节日期间收到什么灾难性新闻。但是,杰米·奥蒂斯(Jamie Otis)是世界各地准妈妈的优秀榜样。尽管她目前的诊断和面临的不确定的未来,她还是选择了宽容处理新闻。在她为人父母的整个过程中,她和赫纳一直对自己的挣扎保持透明,这对安静地努力怀孕或抚养孩子的其他夫妇来说,是无价之宝。奥蒂斯(Otis)无法确定她是否已经走出困境几个月,但她很可能会与粉丝们分享自己获得的任何消息。直到那时,那些愿意从她的诚实讨论中汲取力量的人会在时候到来的时候为她加油或提供支持(视需要而定)。