Arrowverse Elseworlds Crossover将推出超级反派心理海盗
Arrowverse Elseworlds Crossover将推出超级反派心理海盗

Arrowverse的 跨界Elseworlds 的赌注 继续飙升,宣布Psycho-Pirate将加入反派阵容。由三部分组成的赛事将再次将Supergirl,The Flash和Arrow融合在一起,即使不包括DC的《明日传奇》,Tyler Hoechlin也将以超人的身份返回,而Elizabeth Tulloch和Ruby Rose将以Lois的身份出现。莱恩和蝙蝠女侠。

去年的分会《危机在Earth-X》上,巴里·艾伦(Barry Allan)邀请了卡拉·丹弗斯(Cara Danvers),奥利弗·皇后(Oliver Queen)和公司参加婚礼,这是他的轻巧前提,而粉丝们一直在为Elseworlds改变游戏规则做准备。 Elseworlds引入了Arkham Asylum之类的地点,The Monitor之类的角色以及看似受到《无限地球危机》故事影响的灵感,如今正逐渐成为史诗般的跨界。现在,随着像Psycho-Pirate这样的超级大反派加入进来,无可避免的Arrowverse冲突无疑是危险的。

根据TVLine的报道,鲍勃·弗雷泽(Bob Frazer)饰演罗杰·海登(Roger Hayden)/ Psycho-Pirate。从历史上讲,该角色与Darkseid的超级恶魔的秘密协会有关,使用面具来赋予他操纵情绪的力量。在《无尽的地球危机》中,他被《反显示器》(The Anti-Monitor)招募,后者为他提供部分世界统治权,以换取维持对民众的情感控制力。而且,尽管他将出现在《 Elseworlds》的所有三集中,但尚不清楚该故事情节中有多少会影响分频。

Though the character will be a new addition to the Arrowverse, Hayden was referenced in an episode of The Flash in the 2049 article in which Iris wrote about Barry's ongoing disappearance. In the crossover, he'll be introduced as an Arkham Asylum inmate, and it appears as though he may have been involved - or at the very least present - on the night of Barry's disappearance. It's also worth noting that Iris' article in The Flash features a quote from Hayden that just so happens to paraphrase the tagline for the Crisis on Infinite Earths comic book: "Worlds will live, worlds will die, and the DC Universe will never be the same."


Arrowverse Elseworlds交叉将在2018年十二月播出上的CW。

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