
Aquaman在Screen Junkies的新视频中获得了诚实拖车的待遇。在2017年的《正义联盟》在票房上放火后,DC Extended Universe在电影改编之间休了一年假。幸运的是,它成功地与《海王》(Aquaman)进行了激烈的反弹,《海王》(Aquaman)在评论界获得了积极的反响,在全球票房中获得了11.5亿美元的巨额票房。有了这些数字,华纳兄弟不仅开始致力于《 Aquaman 2》(原定于2022年),而且还参与了关于《海沟》中生物的衍生工作,这也就不足为奇了。

Aquaman由James Wan导演,跟随Arthur Curry(Jason Momoa)出发,在战士公主Mera(Amber Heard)的帮助下声称自己的长子继承权是水下亚特兰蒂斯王国的真正继承人。当然,这部电影中发生的事情要比这种误导性的简单情节提要所暗示的要多得多。因此,《水行侠》的众多叙事线索(自然)是电影官方《诚实的预告片》中使用的各种元素之一。


Screen Junkies于3月19日在线上放映《 Aquaman Honest Trailer》,这是该电影计划以DVD,Blu-ray和相关家庭媒体格式(本月初以数字形式发行)的一周。您可以在下面的空间中查看。

If there was ever any doubt that Zack Snyder made the right call in casting Momoa as Arthur Curry in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, then Wan's Aquaman movie firmly puts that notion to rest. Indeed, as the Honest Trailer points out, the latter film completes the superhero's transformation from "the nerd that talks to fish" into a full-blown hunky warrior who's even capable of making Aquaman's long-mocked orange and green comic book costume look cool. Wan's tentpole similarly demonstrates just how visually impressive the character and his world can look in live-action, thanks in no small part to The Conjuring and Furious 7 filmmaker's efforts behind the camera (in combination with those of countless VFX artists and production team members). The film's spectacle made it very much a must-see movie last December and helped to buoy Aquaman to unanticipated levels of commercial success, in the process.

当然,正如《诚实的预告片》所指出的那样,Aquaman也可能不知所措(主要是通过一种很好的方式),因为它故事情节,动作和设置的数量非常庞大,因此可以将其塞入运行时。因此,难怪Wan想要休息一下,把今年的The Conjuring 3交给其他人,而不是在将注意力转移到Aquaman 2之前继续看另一部特许经营电影。幸运的是,WB和DC清楚地意识到他是这里方程式的重要组成部分,并且给了Wan足够的恢复时间,并且(如该视频所观察到的)尝试弄清楚他将如何在Arthur Curry的下一次大冒险中脱颖而出。
